Lissett & Ulrome PC


Welcome to Lissett and Ulrome Parish Council

 It is designed to provide you with up to date information on the Parish Council and local community of Lissett and Ulrome Villages.  If there is anything relating to Lissett and Ulrome you would like to see on the website please do not hesitate to contact us.


2023/24 Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance

Please see below links to the Annual Governance return for 2023/24

Ulrome Charities

Offering a helping hand to the community of Ulrome

The Ulrome Charities was set up many years ago to help those within the community of Ulrome in times of need. The Trustees would welcome requests for financial support from anyone who needs help towards the costs of say:

  •  a crisis at home (flooding or any other damages)
  •  plumbing or breakdown of heating etc.
  •  travel costs for appointments or to visit
  •  any other personal needs

Any request for help would be treated in the strictest confidence and no details will be revealed to the Trustees’ Panel without your approval.

For any queries whatsoever and a request form to apply for funding please contact the Secretary of Ulrome Charities

Mrs Irene Webster on 01262 468190

Please see attached for application form



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